Mole Patrol: When To Worry and Consult a Dermatologist

Mole Patrol: When To Worry and Consult a Dermatologist

Moles are clusters of pigmented cells appearing on the skin as small, dark spots. Most moles are harmless and are simply a result of genetics or sun exposure. However, some moles can be concerning if they exhibit changes. Keep an eye on moles that change in size, shape, or color or start to itch, bleed, or become painful. These changes could be indicators of skin cancer, particularly melanoma.

If you notice changes in your moles, it's essential to seek the advice of Dr. Patricia McCormack. Dr. McCormack is an experienced dermatologist specializing in identifying and treating skin conditions, including skin cancer. Don't hesitate to schedule an appointment with our dermatologist in Staten Island, NY, Linden, NJ, or Point Pleasant Beach, NJ, if you have any worries about your moles or other skin issues. Early detection and treatment are crucial for the best outcomes.

Mole Patrol: When to Worry and Consult a Dermatologist

Moles, those little spots on your skin, are usually harmless. But sometimes, they might raise a red flag. Keep an eye on the ABCDEs of moles and visit a dermatologist in Staten Island, NY, Linden, NJ, or Point Pleasant Beach, NJ, at the first sign of symptoms.

"A" is for asymmetry. Be mindful if one half of the mole does not match the other. "B" stands for border. Jagged or irregular edges could be a sign of trouble. "C" is for color. Multiple shades or changes in color warrant attention. "D" means diameter. Anything larger than a pencil eraser might need a closer look. Lastly, "E" is for evolving. Take action if your mole changes in size, shape, or color.

Imagine you notice a mole that ticks off some of these boxes. Maybe the mole is getting bigger or has an irregular shape. It’s natural to feel a bit worried, but don’t panic. Your best bet? Reach out to a dermatologist. Dr. McCormack is a professional who can give you peace of mind. Even if it turns out to be nothing, be safe than sorry regarding your skin.

Dr. Patricia McCormack Diagnoses and Treats Your Moles

Dr. Patricia McCormack, a dermatologist, assesses moles by examining their size, shape, color, and borders. Using a dermatoscope, she magnifies the mole's features for a closer inspection. Suspicious moles undergo a biopsy, where a small sample is taken and analyzed for abnormal cells. If diagnosed as cancerous or pre-cancerous, Dr. McCormack employs various treatments, including surgical excision, cryotherapy, or laser therapy, depending on the mole's size and depth.

If you have questions for our dermatologist in Staten Island, NY, Linden, NJ, or Point Pleasant Beach, NJ, or want to schedule an appointment with Dr. Patricia McCormack, call (718) 698-1616 (Staten Island), (908) 925-8877 (Linden), and (732) 295-1331 for Point Pleasant Beach.

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